Sunday, June 16, 2013

Lives Touched

While enjoying an early Father's Day Brunch with my family, my youngest daughter asked me a question..... she is always asking dozens of questions a day.. some silly and some well thought. Every now and again she gives me pause with her inquisitiveness.... She asked - What makes a person (meaning her) successful ??  Now, coming right off the heels of  "which glass of water to drink..the one on her right or left at a restaurant table"... I reminded her "eat left- drink right".... this new question gave me pause....very wide range and after a bit of thought,  I told her that many people will have many different measures of success.... but my answer was...."In your life Tallulah (my nickname for her) you will meet and befriend thousands of people...some will be very close friends and some just acquaintances....but, a special amount will "touch" your life in a way that will be life changing... a dear friend you can lean on, a teacher that just brings out your best, an elder that loves and guides you..there is no telling who these people will be....these people will be the God-sent ones...BUT,  there is the other many people's lives do you "touch"?.....lend a helping hand, listen without judging, giving of your time, money, talents, actually caring and loving deeply because God sent you to help!! Realizing I was beginning to lose her..I wrapped up...simply put - the more personal life touches you get and receive is what makes you a truly successful person!! Seeming to be satisfied with that answer....she asked what was my favorite color...Go figure :)... Clearly, my daughters and wife have "touched" my life for ever... Enjoy your Sunday

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